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Trepod - Trevessu's podcast

Trepod is a current affairs and culture podcast from Trevessu, created and hosted by Michele Lai. It aims to spread positivity, enthusiasm, and stimulate both nationals and foreigners interested in enhancing their knowledge of Italian language and culture. In a world often overloaded with news, some of which are fake or tragic, Trevessu strives to be a breath of fresh, stimulating, and refreshing air. Trepod embodies this vision, amplifying the dissemination of these values through its episodes.

In its first season, Trepod hosted various friends, offering a range of themes and ideas. In 2022, seven episodes were published, each exploring a different topic:

  1. "Amore che nasce, amore che vai con le dating apps" – examining the impact of dating apps on modern love.
  2. "Posso o non posso? Dimmi i tuoi tabù" – a discussion on social and cultural taboos.
  3. "Dimmi un po' di Trevessu?!" – introducing listeners to the association and its activities.
  4. "Cosa si mangia? Il cibo in Italia raccontato dal sud al nord!" – a culinary journey through Italy.
  5. "L’altra parte del cibo, nutrirsi con consapevolezza" – discussing mindful and sustainable eating.
  6. "Felice, triste, arrabbiato... cos’è un’emozione?" – exploring the nature of human emotions.
  7. "Un bicchiere di troppo? Sì, ma di buon vino!" – celebrating the wine culture.

This mix of topics highlights Trepod and Trevessu's commitment to promoting a culture of dialogue, reflection, and discovery.